
Goodbye Locks

About a month and a half ago I started noticing my hair was falling out in larger amounts than normal.  I began finding it everywhere.  All over my pillows, blankets, clothes.  When I would brush my hair I would lose a lot more than normal.  At the beginning I didn't fret because I've always been blessed with thick hair and I could afford to lose some locks.

The same thing happened in high school when I got really sick for the first time.  Like a sicko I actually saved all the hair that would fall out everyday.  Only recently did I throw the plastic zip lock bag away containing my precious brown hair.  I had no idea at the time it would be happening again soon.

In high school, when it grew back it came in fuller and thicker.  But it took years for me to get it back to a healthy state.  My friend Anne gave me the nickname "Sonic" because I would have little sprouts that stuck up in the middle of my head like Sonic the hedgehog.  We might need to reinstitute that name in several months.

Back then I don't remember being extremely upset, partly because I was still a tomboy at 17 and didn't know how to style my hair anyway.  But through the years as it grew back I came to love my long, thick, wavy hair and the reaction I got from people.  Once I actually learned how to use a blow dryer and straightener, my hair became "my thing".  

This time around my hair was in horrible condition to begin with.  I guess slowly since last December my hair hair has succummed to my malnourishment, becoming extremely dry and impossible to style.  It tangles SO easily into ridiculous knots.  I'm not talking about little knots that need a little love, I'm talking a matted looking knot almost the size of a baseball.  I kid you not.

One day after washing my hair I did my usual towel dry and HELLO! somehow my hair had gotten into this ridiculous knot.  My sister and mom can back me up on this one.  They each spent at least 2 hours trying to get this thing untangled.  Once I realized it was impossible I knew it had to be cut out.

So my mom cut it out and I really don't think I understood how close to my head it was.  The rest of my hair had to be cut fairly short so I don't look totally crazy.  After I contemplated getting the Kate Gosselin backwards mullet, I settled on a shorter 'do to match the crazy short parts from the knot. It will be much easier to manage now I hope.  But still, I miss my hair!

Don't get me wrong, it's not like you see bald spots on my head when you look at me.  But wow! I would safely say I've lost at least 50% of my hair.  Or at least it appears that way visually. Everyones telling me, "It's not that bad." and "It'll grow back so much healthier!"  My balding brother rightfully complained, "At least you have hair that will grow back."

That's all for now.  My creativity will return soon.  Pain meds make it hard to be thoughtful.  Till next time...

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